HDPE是一种结晶度高、非极性的热塑性树脂。原态HDPE的外表呈乳白色,在微薄截面呈半透明状。PE具有优良的耐大多数生活和工业用化学品的特性。某些种类的化学品会产生化学腐蚀,例如腐蚀性氧化剂(浓硝酸),芳香烃(二甲苯)和卤化烃 (四氯化碳)。该聚合物不吸湿并具有好的防水蒸汽性,可用于包装用途。HDPE具有很好的电性能,特别是绝缘介电强度高,使其很适用于电线电缆。中到高分子量等级具有很好的抗冲击性,在常温甚至在-40F低温度下均如此。
山东禹城精达塑胶有限公司是专业生产新型 塑胶管道的现代化技术企业,公司拥有震雄,德亚等生产设备和雄厚的技术实力,更有一支素质高,技能好的生产管理团队,使公司产品质量能达到国内同行业较好的水平。
Shandong Yucheng Jingda Plastic Co. Ltd is a modernized high-tech enterprise mainly producing new,professional and environmentel production equioment such as ZhenXiong and Days, but also has a high -qualified and high-skilled production management team,which guaranteas its top level production quality in the same domestic industry.
The mian productions of the company are ABS pipe,PP-R pipe,PVC pipe,PE-RT new type of heating tudular goods for floor ,aeration system in sewage plant and so on.in the past ,Jingda constantly occupied market and create resplendence with high-quality productions and consummate service; in the future, Jingda will compose new writings for the pipe manufacturing of china in the spirit of good faith and the principle of win-win.